President Trump and J.D. Vance will be sworn into office in seven days. The people of the United States overwhelmingly elected these two courageous men into office. These are perilous times, and they have put their lives on the line for America. There are times in history when people have run from disasters while others run in. Do you ever wonder what type of person you would be? Donald Trump and his family, as well as J.D. Vance and his family, are the ones who run into fires. They are true American Patriots moving forward to save America. I pray continually for the safety of all their families and the safety of the new administration. Please take a few moments to pray for these brave men and women; they need our continual support.
The CCRP wants to congratulate Sam Brown on his position with the Trump Administration. Donald Trump has selected Sam Brown for the VA Memorial Affairs. We are proud to send Sam to Washington; he deserves this honor. Congratulations Sam!
As the CCRP moves into next year, 2025, it's game on. We will develop initiatives to educate our Republican Voters in Carson City on the importance of local politics and how to encourage more people to get involved. Nevada Policy Research Institute has agreed to assist me with creating a plan so we can move quickly as the year begins.
We have an incredible opportunity to influence the legislation coming out of the legislature this year. Our Governor pays attention to the testimonies and the opinions of our voters. Remember, Governor Lombardo vetoed over 70 bills during the last legislative Session. There promises to be more dreadful bills moving through the house with the Democrats still in control of the Nevada legislature. We need legislative warriors to testify in this 83rd Session. We invite you to attend the Testifying Training Class with Heritage Action. More information is below regarding the class in January.
Canceled to be rescheduled: The next legislative Session starts on February 3, 2024. Heritage Action and Nathan Duell will hold a class on testifying in the legislature as soon as we can reschedule. Legislative testifying is an essential subject you do not want to miss. The all-important class will be at the Casino Fandango in the Craft 55 room. We are now taking reservations. The information is important because we plan to be very prolific in testifying during this upcoming legislative Session. To register for the class, call 775 841-1800. We are asking for a $20 donation to cover our costs.

We are sure you are excited about the January 20, 2025, inauguration. We will host an inaugural party at the La Capital Restaurant, 1795 College Parkway, to celebrate this historic event. We will have some inaugural shirts, hats, and sweatshirts for you, and as always, we ask for donations. The doors open at 7 am. We suggest you arrive early to order your breakfast before the Inaugural events. What better way to watch the swearing-in of our Donald J. Trump than being with your true patriotic friends? We request an RSVP so the restaurant has the proper wait staff: 775 841-1800
Our general membership meeting will be on January 23 at 6:30 pm social time, and at 7 pm, the meeting will start. Our monthly meeting locations are always at the Casino Fandango in the Craft 55 room. Everyone is welcome.

Kash Patel has been nominated for the FBI Director position in the Trump administration and wrote a book, Government Gangsters. The book thoroughly explains Russia Gate in the 2016 Trump Presidency. The CCRP is thrilled to announce that we will be showing for our movie night this month, January 30, Government Gangsters by Kash Patel. The movie explains what, where, and who Kash will investigate once nominated as FBI Director. We will show the film at the Casino Fandango in the Craft 55 room. A $20 donation is requested; thanks, and we hope to see you there. Please RSVP at 775 841-18000
February promises to be busy, and we start the month with our First Friday at the White House Cocktail Lounge, 402 E. Telegraph Street, 6 to 9 pm. We always have a fun evening socializing with our conservative friends. Everyone is welcome to join us.

We are pleased to announce that the Lincoln Day Dinner will be on April 5 at the Casino Fandango. We have invited a special guest, Governor Lombardo, as our keynote speaker. As always, this is lining up to be a very special night. Our theme this year will be the GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICA. Please save the date, April 5, for our Lincoln Day Dinner.
As we move into the next year, we have some exciting classes to look forward to. The first class will be Biblical Citizenship, an 8-week class. It is an exciting and enlightening class of our forefathers and how the bible helped form our constitution. The class will be starting close to the end of March. More information will be coming soon.
God Bless America, Nevada, Carson City, and you.
Susan Ruch, Your Chairman ----- Happy New Year.

Four scores and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in LIBERTY and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
-- Abraham Lincoln