By Susan Ruch
Chairman's Corner June 4, 2024
This Chairman's Corner will be short and sweet/direct this week. We are now into
the second week of the ridiculous two-week-long early voting. The cost is
approximately $20,000 a week for poll workers, mailing ballots, printing ballots, paper
costs, and everything else. This is only for condensed Carson City. Las Vegas, Reno,
Storey County, Douglas County, and Lyon County are spread for miles and miles; their
cost must be through the roof. These confirmed estimates for Carson City from 2022,
which Scott Hoen confirmed, were reasonably accurate. The price is at least 20% or
more, with Bidenomics costing our state Millions to run a two-week unnecessary
early-voting election. Our California neighbors have one voting day, as does Mexico.
Nevadan citizens who vote for a Democratic State Assembly or Senate seat are enabling
the insane voting process of the left. Vote Right to bring back sanity to our state.
The Republican Party strongly urges everyone to vote this week. To achieve a 50%
voter turnout among Republicans in Carson City would require about 7,500 of you to
step up and vote. We must send a clear message: we are awake and voting for
candidates who uphold CONSERVATIVE VALUES and BELIEFS and understand that
elected officials work for the people.
My favorite quotes:
“Bad Officials are elected by Good Citizens Who Do Not Vote,”
George Jean Nathan. “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that
you end up being governed by your inferiors,” Plato
I am appealing to all of you to vote in this primary; we are striving to save our
state and country, and I can't do it without you.
This is a rallying cry: you must help –VOTE TODAY!
United States Citizens must understand what happened to Donald J. Trump is a
disgrace. If they can do that to a former president, think about what they can do to you.
Everyone must realize they are only doing this to prevent YOU, an American Citizen,
from voting for the Candidate of YOUR choice. This is a Banana Republic style of your
current Democratic Party.
Thankfully, this has infuriated many Americans. Our Latino base is up in arms
because they migrated here to move away from this form of government. Stand Tall
and vote. If all Republicans vote, they can't cheat enough to overcome the numbers. I
will be sending out the numbers of Republicans who have voted in this primary
tomorrow. Let's show that we are not going to let them steal our state and nation. I am
counting on you.
Four quick reminders:
This Friday night, we hold our First Friday at the White House on Stewart Street
behind the Nugget from 6 pm to 9 pm. It would be greatly appreciated if you are
attending to bring a light appetizer.
We will hold a town hall meeting with Hope Sullivan on the Master Plan for Carson
City. I am sure many of you would like to see the plan and have strong messages about
what we want to see for Carson City. The meeting will be held at Staybridge Inn on June
17, at 6 p.m. All are invited.
On June 20, we will host a movie night at the Casino Fandango, Craft 55 room.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. The movie starts at 7 pm.
We will be showing the PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT.
The left is exposed to what occurred during President Trump's Term.
Our membership meeting is on June 27, 6:30 Social Time, starting at 7 pm.
The guest speaker is Nathan Duell, State Director of the Heritage Foundation—Action for America. Nathan will discuss Ranked Choice Voting, a ballot initiative that will be voted on in November. Ranked-choice voting is confusing and dilutes the best candidates for our elected officials. It must be defeated.
Thank you for your continued support; we couldn't do it without you.
God Bless America, Nevada, Carson City, and you.
Susan Ruch, Your Chairman